
We Pride Ourselves in Innovating Sustainable Agriculture

Mini Tuber Production

At the core of PSP’s agricultural pursuits lies our innovative mini tuber production facility. Operating year-round, this facility serves as the cornerstone for all potato seed multiplication on our farm and beyond. Annually, over 2 million vibrant mini tubers are meticulously cultivated within our numerous greenhouses finely managed potato greenhouses. From careful nurturing to precise harvesting, every step is orchestrated to perfection.

Contamination Control

Our climate-controlled and insect-proof greenhouses ensure strict access control, maintaining a zero-tolerance policy for pathogens and viruses. Regular scrutiny by the South African Potato Certification Services and meticulous testing at Plantovita guarantee disease-free certification for our Generation 0 mini tubers.


To avoid bacterial infection, we utilise chlorinated fresh borehole water in the greenhouses. Run-off water, collected in tanks, is repurposed to irrigate our gardens.


G1 and G2 Potato Seed

Unlock the potential for bountiful harvests with PSP’s specialised G1 and G2 potato seed cultivation. Our rigorous disease control measures and isolated mountain growing conditions ensure resilient and reliable seeds ready for the world.

G1 and G2 Potato Seed Production Process

Situated in the highlands and governed by strict regulations from PCS, our farms boast minimal viral threats, fostering early-generation seeds in an optimal climatic environment. From planting in October to harvesting from February, our operations prioritise quality and sustainability, aiming to elevate client productivity while preserving the land for future generations.

Disease Control and Harvesting

Our preventive approach and up to seven year rotations also involves precision spraying executed by advanced technology. Stringent inspections and testing adhere to the highest standards, ensuring the integrity of our seeds.


Join us on our kiwi journey, where sustainability meets flavour. From exotic varieties to local favorites, our kiwi production promises a fruitful harvest for both domestic and international markets.

Kiwi Ventures: From Seedling to Superfruit

With meticulous planning and dedication, we are expanding our kiwi domain to meet growing demand. From field to market, every step is carefully orchestrated to ensure the finest quality fruit.



Witness agricultural resilience in action with PSP’s grass production division. From soil health to livestock feed, our strategic use of grass serves as a cornerstone for sustainable farming practices. This is where we “build” the lands we will use for potato production.

Crop Rotation

By rotating grass crops with potatoes, we promote soil fertility and provide natural fodder for our livestock during the winter months.

Overall Strategy

Our crop choices aim to improve soil health for potatoes while providing essential feed for our livestock, ensuring a balanced and sustainable farming ecosystem.